From the blog

This is where we share our pearls of wisdom.

Product Thinking: Shifting from a Project to a Product Mindset

Product Thinking: Shifting from Project to a Product Mindset Making a shift in your organization to focus on products rather than projects can be a seismic shift. Therefore stop thinking in terms of individual projects  (outputs) and make the shift towards product...

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Too Many Meetings: Recognize the Signs

We have received a lot of feedback on our post: Scrum Events - The too many meetings problem. Many people are reaching out to us and providing feedback on the frustration stemming from meetings. Meetings in the United States are a big problem.  Nearly 37 billion...

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Behavior Driven Development vs Test Driven Developement

I recently had the honor of conducting a webinar for my sales partner Accelebrate. The webinar was on the topic of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) vs Test-Driven Development (TDD) to promote our Behavior Driven Development (BDD) workshop and to introduce our new...

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Scrum Events – The too many meetings problem (Updated)

Nearly every team that I have introduced Scrum into a new company someone has complained at some point about the duration of meetings in Scrum. I get comments like: “Scrum has far too many meetings” “What? A four-hour planning meeting for a two-week sprint!” “We have...

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USER STORIES, ESTIMATION & PLANNINGABOUT THE WORKSHOP Participants receive a comprehensive overview of writing, decomposing, estimating, and product planning in this workshop. We focus on what makes a good user story, how to communicate acceptance criteria and to...

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Registered Scrum Master Ukraine Fundraiser

We are devastated and feel powerless when we look at the terrible scenes from the war in Ukraine. We feel a strong desire to make a positive contribution to the situation for the people in Ukraine. We are not experts in war or emergency aid. We teach and consult...

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Create Agile Leaders First

Agile has been around for quite some time now. The big dogs, Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming have been around since the late '90s, almost 30 years! Wow, how time flies. I've been teaching classes on Agile since 2010, just a little over 10 years. Early on, it...

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Press: Agile Implementation

Agile implementation trends have changed as we inspect and adapt. I was recently interviewed for an article in the Midlands Business Journal's technology section as a contributor to their technology trends overview.  Here are some snippets from that conversation: MBJ:...

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