From the blog

This is where we share our pearls of wisdom.

Revolutionize Your Product Strategy with Product Thinking, Design Thinking, and Lean Startup

The call for innovative product development is louder than ever in the contemporary business landscape. But how can organizations pivot from traditional methods to build products that stand out in the market and truly resonate with users? The answer lies in embracing a trifecta of modern product development philosophies: Product Thinking, Design Thinking, and Lean Startup. If you’re ready to learn why and how these approaches can propel your organization forward, our latest video, “Why Product Thinking Matters,” is a must-watch. But first, let’s delve into the concepts that could redefine your product development journey.

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Product Agility and OpenAi

I, like many people, have spent a lot of time researching how OpenAI and ChatGPT will impact the industry-specifically: Product Thinking and Product Agility. Up until now, I have resisted the urge to use AI technology for many reasons. I recently decided if you can’t beat them, join them, so I signed up for ChatGPT.

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Scrum@Scale or SAFe, which framework is right for my org?

You have decided to scale (REMINDER: Do not Scale if you don’t need to). It is time to determine what framework for scaling you will use.Scrum@Scale or SAfeby implementing one of these frameworks, you will avoid reinventing the wheel.  Each framework provides structure, process, and principles to follow.  Let’s look at the characteristics of Scrum@Scale and SAFe.

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How Do I Know When I Should Scale?

You already know you need to scale your agile framework to help your growing teams to work together more efficiently – but what system should you implement Scrum@Scale or SAFe?

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Video: Product Thinking: Shifting from a Project to a Product Mindset

Explore the essence of Product Thinking with our specialized program, tailored for Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Product Managers. Delve into advanced strategies for defining value, engaging with customers early, and transitioning from a project to a product mindset, ensuring the development of timely, aligned, and customer-centric products.

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